I feel I must write to you. I´d like to thank KAS for opportunity to express all what we /mainly women/ have in our hearts. A lot of love, patient, creativity, generosity...All these abilities and many others I can find in all those sweaters, tops, go-overs, hats, squares...etc. I can feel that each project is unique because it is done with love. There is not any competition among us, no quarrels. We create how we feel without any restrictions and that´s why I love knitting for KAS very much. Karla

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  • Thanks Karla, we very much appreciate your kind comments.  You have very quickly become part of the on-line KAS Community - everything is about consensus and working together, in harmony, to make a difference to the lives of the children of Africa.  It is through being consistently positive and caring that our methods work - direct action rules the day!  We enjoy seeing your lovely creations too!

  • Thanks Karla you have summed it up nicely and you are right everyone is appreciative of our efforts and not at al lcompetetive.It truly is a lovely organisation to make things for. Great to have you aboard !

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